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2nd International Arbitration Summer School in Baku Successfully Completed

2nd International Arbitration Summer School in Baku Successfully Completed
The 2nd International Arbitration Summer School organized by the Turkish Arbitration Academy (TAA) was held in Baku between 24-28 June.

The 2nd International Arbitration Summer School Program, which was organized by Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak, Vice Rector, member of the Coordination Board of the Turkish Arbitration Academy and Director of the Dispute Resolution Application and Research Center, and our researchers, started on Monday, June 24 with the opening speeches of Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak and the topics of "International Dispute Resolution and the Concept of Arbitration", "Historical Development of Arbitration" and "Legal Framework of Arbitration" were discussed by him. 

In the second session of the first day of the summer school, held between 24-28 June, Dr. Doğan Gültan emphasized the importance of "Confidentiality and Transparency" in arbitration and demonstrated with practical examples the circumstances in which confidentiality is breached.

The first day of the 2nd International Arbitration Summer School ended with a practical session on "Formation and Organization of the Arbitral Tribunal" conducted by Prof. Dr. Ali Yeşilırmak, which facilitated the participants' holistic understanding of the arbitration process.

The second day of the summer school started with a presentation titled "Powers, Duties and Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal" by Dr. Ömer Faruk Kafalı, Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law. In this session, the main powers and responsibilities of the arbitral tribunal and the Kompetenz-Kompetenz principle were discussed. The second session continued with Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak's presentation on "Injunctive Measures", which provided the participants with comprehensive information on injunctive measures to protect assets and evidence. 

In the third session of the day, accelerated processes in arbitration and methods that can be applied before the arbitral tribunal is constituted were examined. In this context, Dr. Doğan Gültutan and Dr. Can Eken made presentations titled "Expedited Arbitration and Emergency Arbitrator" and "Applicable Procedural Law, State Courts and Assistance". In the last session of the day, Mr. Av. Okan Demirkan made a presentation on "Arbitration Agreement, Validity and Multilateral Arbitration". 

Trial and Interrogation Processes were discussed on the Third Day of the Summer School

The third day of the International Arbitration Summer School started with a presentation by Attorney Turgut Aycan Özcan. In his presentation, Mr. Özcan touched upon the preparation for hearings and the intricacies of arbitration hearings, and also conducted a practical exercise. In terms of the preparation for hearings, the presentation covered the pre-trial stages, the chronology of important events, the preparation of hearing files and opening statements, the preparation of witnesses and experts for cross-examination, and shared experience in formulating effective cross-examination questions. 

Subsequently, under the heading of the intricacies of arbitration hearings, the key components of the hearing process were discussed, including making opening statements, conducting direct and cross-examination, and presenting oral and written closing arguments. Finally, a practical session on interrogation techniques was organized. 

The second speaker of the day, Dr. Ömer Faruk Kafalı, comprehensively examined the issues related to arbitral awards and arbitration costs and expenses. He also provided detailed assessments of various awards rendered by arbitral tribunals and a comprehensive analysis of the costs incurred in arbitration proceedings.

The fourth day started with Dr. Can Eken's presentation on "Annulment of Arbitral Awards". Dr. Eken elaborated on the concept of annulment of arbitral awards and focused on the relevant procedures. In the first afternoon session, Attorney Toghrul Guluzada gave a comprehensive presentation on "Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards". In his presentation, he explained the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in different jurisdictions, provided information on the challenges and good practices in this area, highlighted the effects of the New York Convention and gave case law examples. 

Investment and Interstate Arbitration were also discussed at the Summer School

The fifth and final day of the 2nd International Arbitration Summer School started with a comprehensive presentation on "Investment Arbitration" by Assoc. Prof. Eda Manav Özdemir, Head of the International Arbitration and Alternative Solutions Department of the General Directorate of Law and Legislation of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey and member of the Coordination Board of the Turkish Arbitration Academy. Ms. Özdemir addressed both the substantive and procedural aspects of investment arbitration and provided the participants with an in-depth perspective on this special field.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Najiba Mustafayeva made a presentation on "Interstate Arbitration". Dr. Mustafayeva provided a broad perspective on the field by analyzing how interstate dispute resolution and interstate arbitration work in general. 

The day and the program concluded with the presentation of certificates by Assoc. Dr. Yeliz Bozkurt Gümrükçüoğlu, Secretary of the Turkish Arbitration Academy and Deputy Director of UÇAM Center. As the Faculty of Law and Ibn Haldun University Dispute Resolution Application and Research Center, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to our esteemed speakers and participants for making this program a great success.
