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No Project Coordinator Project Title Project Type
1 Prof. Şükrü YILDIZ Evaluation of the Conclusions on Chapter 6 (Company Law) in the Progress Reports of the EU Adoption Process TÜBİTAK 3005
2 Assoc. Prof. Ömer Faruk EROL Research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Law and Policy University Industry Cooperation Project
3 Prof. Ali YEŞİLIRMAK Establishment and Development of a Mediation Solution Method to Improve the Institutional Ecosystem IHU Scientific Research Programme
4 Prof. Yeliz BOZKURT GÜMRÜKÇÜOĞLU Peer Finding Peer Facilitation for Young People IHU Scientific Research Programme
5 Assoc. Prof. Ömer Faruk EROL Computational Law Studies: Innovative Methodological Approaches in Law IHU Scientific Research Programme
6 Assist. Prof. Erdem İzzet KÜLÇÜR Protection of Personal Data of Child Game Users IHU Scientific Research Programme
7 Assist. Prof. Erdem İzzet KÜLÇÜR Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Judgements in Criminal Law IHU Scientific Research Programme