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'The Impasse of International Law: The Palestinian Question' Panel Discussion Was Held

'The Impasse of International Law: The Palestinian Question' Panel Discussion Was Held
The Palestinian issue was discussed by academics from various universities as a case in which international law has deliberately put itself in a deadlock, and the possible positions that international law will take at the end of the attacks were evaluated.

In the panel held at the Media and Events Center on November 13th in cooperation with our University's International Law and Human Rights Center and the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey, the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, the largest city in Palestine, which have been continuing without a ceasefire since October 7th, were discussed in the context of international law.

"Gaza Is Turning From an Open Prison Into an Open Cemetery"

In the opening speech of the panel, Our Rector Prof. Atilla Arkan stated that Gaza, which was an open prison before October 7, has gradually turned into an open cemetery. In his speech, Prof. Arkan mentioned that the world is watching this massacre and drew attention to the theo-political background of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and emphasized the inability of international mechanisms to bring a solution. Stating that political administrations apply double standards when it comes to Israel, Arkan underlined that the West does not operate the legal order that it has built for itself against countries other than itself, and stated that the West, which operated international law only a year ago in the Ukraine-Russia war and issued a decision against Putin from the International Criminal Court, is silent about Israel and that the United Nations has important duties here. Prof. Arkan concluded his speech by stating that according to international law, the International Criminal Court is a part of the equation and that those responsible for the genocide in Gaza today, especially Netanyahu, should be tried in the International Criminal Court.

Prof. Arkan was followed by Prof. Muharrem Kılıç, President of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (TİHEK). Prof. Kılıç underlined that Israel's attacks on Palestine completely violated international legal precedents. In his speech, Prof. Kılıç also regretted and condemned the fact that they have not received any positive or negative response to any of their calls to international human rights institutions as the President of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey.

The panel moderated by our Faculty of Law Member Ömer Faruk Erol. The panelists were Dr. Muhammet Celal Kul from Ibn Haldun University, Dr. Ali Osman Karaoğlu from Yalova University and Dr. Hasan Basri Bülbül from Boğaziçi University took part.

Among the panelists, Dr. Ali Osman Karaoğlu explained the occupation of the Palestinian country from Basel to Gaza in the historical process and its reflections in international law with its historical background. Dr. Muhammet Celal Kul evaluated Israel's attacks in the context of the Law of Armed Conflicts and International Criminal Law. Dr. Hasan Basri Bülbül evaluated the situation of Palestinian Refugees in the context of the Right of Return.

In the papers presented in the panel, the issue of Israel's right to legitimate defense was evaluated and it was pointed out that even if it is assumed to be legitimate defense, many acts such as the bombing of hospitals, mosques, churches, refugee camps, and the killing of officials acting on behalf of the UN show that the limit has been clearly and intentionally exceeded, and it was stated that legitimate defense can no longer be mentioned in the face of these acts and all acts committed will constitute a crime.

You can access the recording of the program here.
