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Our Academicians Spoke at The Mediation and Arbitration Information Seminar For Lawyers

Our Academicians Spoke at The Mediation and Arbitration Information Seminar For Lawyers
Our Vice Rector and Faculty of Law Faculty Member Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak and Research Assistant Ömer Faruk Kafalı spoke at the Mediation and Arbitration Information Seminar for Lawyers within the scope of the "Development of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Turkey" project.

On February 8, our Vice Rector and Faculty of Law Lecturer Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak gave a speech on "Trial Procedure in Arbitration" and our Faculty of Law Lecturer Research Assistant Ömer Faruk Kafalı gave a speech on "Procedure in Arbitration" at the Mediation and Arbitration Information Seminar for Lawyers organized within the scope of the project titled "Development of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Turkey", which is a joint project of Turkey, the European Union and the Council of Europe, held in Ankara. Assist. Ömer Faruk Kafalı made speeches on "Arbitral Awards in Arbitration".

Speaking at the 3rd session of the seminar, Prof. Yeşilırmak stated that there are procedural rules in arbitration as in litigation and that failure to comply with these rules may be subject to a lawsuit for annulment of the arbitral award. Speaking in the same session, Assist. Assist. Kafalı explained the arbitral awards in arbitration proceedings and explained the differences between the awards and what they mean in practice.
