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Our Students Made Important Visits in Ankara

Our Students Made Important Visits in Ankara
In the event organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Law and the Law Club, our students made stimulating contacts in Ankara, the capital city where the heart of the legislative, executive and judiciary beats.

The Ankara trip event organized by the Law Club of our University was held on 25 - 26 April 2024. Ibn Haldun University Law Club Advisor Research Assistant Betül Bozkır and Research Assistant Saliha Merve Kaya accompanied our students on the trip.

First, our students visited the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and visited the Parliament building with a guide. Afterwards, they had a pleasant conversation with Prof. Cüneyt Yüksel, Chairman of the Justice Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Afterwards, our students visited the Presidency of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Turkey and were informed about the duties and functioning of the Court of Cassation. 

On the same day, our students were hosted at the Ministry of Justice as the guests of Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç. Here, they had the opportunity to meet the Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç and ask questions to him personally by coming together with MP Av. Dr. Rabia İlhan and the academicians of the Faculty of Law.

The second day of the trip started with a breakfast organization at the Presidential Complex. Visiting the Presidential Complex, the students had a valuable conversation with the Presidential Chief of Staff, Ambassador Hasan Doğan, and other important figures from the highest levels of the state. 

As part of the Ankara trip, our students visited the July 15th Democracy Museum and commemorated our martyrs.  Afterwards, the students visited the Constitutional Court and paid a visit to Prof. Ömer Çınar, the former Dean of our Faculty of Law, who was appointed as a member of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey with the swearing-in ceremony held on the 62nd anniversary of the Constitutional Court.

Our students returned to Istanbul after dinner and shared their excitement and experiences about this unforgettable experience with the trip organizers during the trip. The Ankara trip enabled the students of the Faculty of Law to gain both academic and cultural experience.  
