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Our Academicians Held Official Meetings in Ankara

Our Academicians Held Official Meetings in Ankara
Academics of the Faculty of Law of our university made contact with various official institutions during their visit to Ankara, where they attended the swearing-in ceremony of Prof. Ömer Çınar.

Our academics attended the swearing-in ceremony of Prof. Ömer Çınar, the former dean of our Faculty of Law, who was appointed as a member of the Constitutional Court, attended by our Rector Prof. Atilla Arkan on April 25, 2024. As the faculty members of the Faculty of Law, we wish Prof. Çınar success in his new position.

Subsequently, Assoc. Prof. Eda Manav Özdemir, Head of the International Arbitration and Alternative Solutions Department of the General Directorate of Law and Legislation of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, was visited in her office at the Presidential Complex. Discussions were held with Assoc. Prof. Manav Özdemir, who is also on the advisory board of the Faculty of Law, regarding our faculty and the projects carried out in cooperation.

Then, within the scope of the Ankara trip organized by Ibn Haldun University Law Club, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Yılmaz Tunç was visited by our students and academicians. Minister Tunç met our students and academicians one by one and answered the questions of our students, and the trip was a productive event for our faculty.
