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Arbitration Training for Judges Successfully Completed

Arbitration Training for Judges Successfully Completed
Academics of our University's Department of Law participated in the Arbitration Training Program for Judges consisting of 3 sessions.

The opening speeches of the Arbitration Training Program for Judges, organized in cooperation with Ibn Haldun University, the Justice Academy of Turkey, and the Turkish Arbitration Academy at the Istanbul Courthouse on May 31st, were delivered by Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak, Vice Rector and Faculty Member of Law, Bekir Altun, President of the Justice Commission of the Istanbul Court of First Instance, Dr. Banu Fatma Günarslan, Auditing Judge of the Justice Academy of Turkey, and Assoc. Eda Manav Özdemir, Head of the Department of International Arbitration and Alternative Solutions at the General Directorate of Law and Legislation of the Presidency of Administrative Affairs, Assoc. A total of 61 judges working in the courts of first instance and regional courts of justice participated in the training program. 

The participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on arbitration in the training given by Prof. Ali Yeşilırmak, Vice Rector of our University, Faculty Member of Law and Member of the Coordination Board of the Turkish Arbitration Academy; Assoc. A. Eda Manav Özdemir, Head of the International Arbitration and Alternative Solutions Department at the General Directorate of Law and Legislation of the Directorate General of Administrative Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey and Member of the Coordination Board of the Turkish Arbitration Academy; Doğan Ağırman, Member of the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation; Abdullah Yaman, President of the 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation; and Dr. Nevzat Boztaş, President of the 14th Civil Chamber of the Istanbul Regional Court of Appeals.

All Issues Related to Arbitration from A to Z 

The training program was held in three sessions following the opening speeches. In the first session, the basic issues of arbitration were discussed, including the element of foreignness, selection and recusal of arbitrators, interim legal protection awards and arbitration objections. In the second session, the issues of freedom of will, violations of the right to be heard and the taking of evidence were discussed under the heading of procedure in arbitration. The last session focused on remedies against arbitral awards and enforcement of awards. Comprehensive information was provided on the evaluation of grounds for annulment, application procedures and enforcement of arbitral awards, as well as the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in Turkey. The last session was followed by a question and answer session where questions from the participants were answered and their opinions and suggestions were received. 

We are grateful to the officials of the Justice Academy of Turkey, in particular the President of the Justice Academy of Turkey Muhittin Özdemir and Examining Judge Dr. Banu Fatma Günarslan, for their cooperation in the successful completion of the training. In the organization of the program, our Faculty of Law Faculty Member and Secretary of the Turkish Arbitration Academy Assoc. Yeliz Bozkurt Gümrükçüoğlu, Dr. Ömer Faruk Kafalı and Assoc. Assist. H. Yağızhan Kol took part in the organization of the program.
