SCHOOL OF LAW / Law Department


Short Biography

Dr. Zafer Güler is from Üsküdar, Istanbul. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Istanbul. Halide Edip Adıvar High School- Üsküdar. Ankara University Faculty of D and T.C. Department of Western Languages and Slavic Languages (Russian Language), Anadolu University Faculty of Business Administration, London Francis School of English (English), Moscow University M.V.Lomonosova Institute (Russian), Yeditepe University English Master of Business Administration (MBA), Istanbul Commerce University International Trade and European Union Law Doctorate (Interdisciplinary).

Doctor of International Trade and European Union Law. International Trade and Investment Law Arbitrator. Political scientist, former Istanbul MP, international foreign trade consultant, foreign trade-based energy and infrastructure sector investment and European Union expert.  He worked as a consultant and general coordinator in international capital companies. 21st Term DSP Istanbul Deputy (1999-2003), member of the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), member of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and a special guest of the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg (European Visiting Program). He prepared reports for the then Prime Minister M. Bülent Ecevit on EU policies, competition-based foreign trade and customs union, renewable energy and technologies, the Energy Market Law, the establishment of Technoparks, the reduction of unemployment and the education of young people. Some of these projects have been implemented by local governments in countries such as Sweden and Norway. In the early 2000s, it made a major contribution to the formation of Turkey's first energy investment law and the introduction of renewable energy sources. In the following years, he has been preparing reports on investment capacity in Turkey for NGOs, think tanks, investment partnerships and some political activists, especially in Europe and the Russian Federation.

He is fluent in English, Russian and has studied other Slavic languages. Political Printed books: Energy Investment Contracts, Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Process, Gallipoli Detachment, From Hejaz to Gallipoli, (Based on Historical Diary. ) Sugar War, (Sugar production and trade in the world) Zübeyde Hanım, (Historical Research) German Deep State, Social Democracy and Turkey, Turkey's Last 50 Years... Prepared for publication; Russia from Stalin to Putin, Russia and the Energy Corridor of the Future, Trans Atlantic Union Goals, EU Energy Strategies and Turkey, Comparative translations of many other published classic literature works...